“Special Circumstances That Affect Your Family’s Ability to Fund Your College Expenses”?

Question by !: “Special circumstances that affect your family’s ability to fund your college expenses”?
I’m applying to UT, and this question is in the short answer section of the Scholarship application. The answer has to be no more than six lines long. But honestly, what else can I say other than “My parents do not make enough money to pay for my college expenses”? They expect it to be about six lines long, but I don’t know what else to say.

There’s really nothing “special” about my circumstances, other than the fact that my parents are separated and do not make enough money…
So since I don’t have any special circumstances, I should answer it anyways, saying that my parents can’t afford it or whatever?

Best answer:

Answer by NotAnyoneYouKnow
You’re right – “my mom and dad would have trouble paying for my college education” is not really a special circumstance. What you’re describing is pretty much true for the vast majority of families.

What the scholarship committee has in mind for “special circumstances” is more along the lines of “my dad is being treated for a likely fatal illness”, or “my mom has already been informed that her employer will be shutting down a couple of weeks before Christmas”, or “my little sister has a developmental disorder that requires residential care, and my parents have to pay $ 3000 a month for her treatment.”

There’s nothing wrong with using that question to mention that mom and dad are hard working people who are struggling to provide you with the education of your dreams, but that’s not going to be the information that’s going to get you the scholarship.

Good luck!

Edit: It can’t hurt!

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